Montana Board of Pharmacy

We are available to assist customers through our online public portal at EBIZ.MT.GOV/POL (Professional and Occupational Licenses).  For all renewals, please renew online. We can be reached at (406) 444-6880.

Welcome to the Montana Board of Pharmacy

The Board of Pharmacy makes every effort to include on this web site all relevant information pertaining to the licensing and regulation of the following license types:

  • Individuals:  Pharmacists, Certified Pharmacy Technicians, Provisional Certified Pharmacy Technicians (formerly Technician-in-Training), Interns, Dangerous Drug Researchers, and Medical Practitioner Dispensers.  
  • Facilities:  Community Pharmacies, Hospital/Institutional Pharmacies, Out-of-State Mail Order Pharmacies, Limited Service Pharmacies, Outpatient Surgical Centers, and Wholesale Drug Distributors.
  • Final Rule Implementing 2023 Legislation – SB 112 Pharmacist Prescribing Authority, Effective 12/23/2023

    On December 22, 2023, the Montana Board of Pharmacy published a final rule implementing 2023 legislation SB 112, that allows for independent prescribing authority for pharmacists in limited situations.  This means that pharmacists can prescribe pursuant to the limitations and requirements outlined in: 

    • Statute: 37-7-106, MCA, Pharmacist Prescribing Authority – Exceptions, and  
    • Rule: ARM 24.174.505, Pharmacist Prescribing: General Requirements   

    The final rule, MAR 24-124-80, responds to comments received, adopts New Rule I (ARM 24.174.505) exactly as proposed, and became effective December 23, 2023

    The adopted final rule text is currently available in the proposed rule and will eventually be listed online with the other Board rules. 

    Additional summary/FAQ information will be available soon on the Board’s webpage at  For additional information, please contact Marcie Bough, PharmD, Executive Officer, at 406-841-2371, or

  • The Board of Alternative Health Care issued a final rule, MAR 24-111-28, implementing 2023 legislation related to the following:

    • Naturopathic Physician PrescribingSB 100 expands naturopathic physician prescribing authority, effective August 27, 2023.  This legislation removed the terms “natural” and “natural substances” from the formulary list restrictions.  The final rule amends the formulary list to accommodate the authority for all legend drugs and other items, except for those drugs listed in rule.    
      • See amended rule ARM 24.111.511, Naturopathic Physician Formulary List, for details. 
    • MidwivesHB 392 creates an endorsement for midwives authorizing them to obtain and administer an expanded list of drugs, effective October 1, 2023.  This rule includes the purchase of certain drugs from wholesale drug distributors and pharmacies licensed by the Board of Pharmacy.  This authority does not impact certified nurse midwives licensed by the Board of Nursing.  See the below rules for more details: 


    Regarding naturopathic physician dispensing, the 2023 Legislature also passed SB 101, authorizing naturopathic physicians to dispense medications directly to their own patients using a Medical Practitioner Dispenser registration issued by the Board of Pharmacy.  This legislation adds naturopathic physicians, pursuant to their formulary list, to the dispensing requirements and restrictions in place for medical practitioners.  See below statutes and rules for details:

  • Recently, the Department of Labor & Industry was notified of licensees being contacted by someone pretending to be calling from the Board of Pharmacy demanding to speak to the licensee urgently regarding a Board or “FBI” investigation of their license, sanctions, or something similar.  Please be aware the Board will never let a licensee know of an investigation in this manner. If you want to verify contact by someone reaching out from the Board or the Department of Labor & Industry, please call (406) 841-2300.  If you are contacted by someone stating they are from the Board of Pharmacy or the Department of Labor & Industry, but you have not received written communication indicating this, please report it to your local law enforcement officials.
  • The application to be a pharmacy technician has changed to an online only process using one application for a certified license or provisional license (formerly  Technician-in-Training).  

    • If you are certified by PTCB or ExCPT/NHA the license will be issued as a full Certified Pharmacy Technician license, PHA-PTE-LIC-###.
    • If you are not certified yet, the license will be issued as a PROVISIONAL Certified Pharmacy Technician license, PHA-PTE-PRV-###, formerly issued as Technician-in-Training.  You have one year to submit proof of certification – DO NOT submit a new application as the same license record will be used to issue a full certified license. 
    • Character references are no longer required.
    • Apply online at:, create an account, select “Start a New License Application”, select “New Health Care License”, then select Board of Pharmacy and select the Certified Pharmacy Technician application from the drop down list. 
  • The Montana Board of Pharmacy (Board) is aware of recent DEA policy discussions regarding what a pharmacist can change on a Schedule II controlled substance prescription order.  As of August 2022, DEA stated it is continuing to review DEA regulation and working on future rulemaking to address the issue.  As an interim measure, DEA indicates that “pharmacists are permitted to adhere to state regulation or policy regarding the changes that a pharmacist can make to a Schedule II prescription after oral consultation with the prescriber.” 

    The Board’s policy follows established standards of practice that have been in place for the past ten years to reduce potential delays in patient care, and includes the following regarding a Schedule II prescription order:

    • A pharmacist is permitted to change or add a patient’s address and date of birth.
    • After verbal consultation with the prescriber, a pharmacist is permitted to change or add the following prescription information to a Schedule II prescription order:
      • Dosage form
      • Drug strength
      • Drug quantity
      • Directions for use
    • Any allowable changes made by a pharmacist on a Schedule II prescription order must be noted on the prescription, including indication of verbal consultation by the pharmacist with the prescriber.

    The Board will continue to monitor for any future DEA activity on this issue. 

    Below is the August 2022 statement provided by DEA:

    “In the past few months, DEA has received an increasing number of questions concerning pharmacists’ ability to add or modify information—like a patient’s address—on paper prescriptions. To address these questions, DEA has been reviewing the relevant regulations and working to draft new regulations to address this issue. As an interim measure, pharmacists are permitted to adhere to state regulations or policy regarding those changes that a pharmacist may make to a schedule II prescription after oral consultation with the prescriber.”

  • What is the purpose of the application?
    The new Medical Practitioner Dispenser application through the Board of Pharmacy is available for medical practitioners who want to dispense prescription medications, within their scope of practice, directly to their own patients from their medical office or practice location in Montana, with the intent that patients take medications home and NOT have the prescription filled at a pharmacy. Instructions on how to apply are below under “Instructions.” Please read and understand the criteria below for this application to see if you qualify first.

    This registration is NOT related to or needed for the following criteria:

    • Writing prescriptions for medications, including controlled substances, or related prescriptive authority license or renewal requirements
    • The Montana Prescription Drug Registry (MPDR) program and related mandatory registration and use requirements
    • Providing drug samples to patients
    • In-office administration of medications to patients
    • Inpatient practice locations
    • Emergency services and related dispensing managed through a pharmacy
    • Occasional dispensing of medications by a medical practitioner but not as a usual course of doing business
    • Pharmacies

    Who is eligible to apply?  
    Physicians, Dentists, Optometrists, Podiatrists, Physician Assistants, and Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN) with Prescriptive Authority are eligible to apply.  You must be located in Montana. See 37-2-101(7), MCA, for more information.

    Why is there a new registration?
    The Montana Board of Pharmacy is implementing a new dispenser registration based on Senate Bill 374 (2021), dispensing of drugs by medical practitioners, that was enacted into law during the 2021 Montana Legislative Session.  

    Please see the eligibility questions below for the application to see if you qualify:    
    1 - Is your medical office or practice location physically located in the State of Montana?
    If no – You do not need to apply. You must have a physical dispensing location in the State of Montana to     qualify for this license.

    2 - Do you only write prescriptions for your patients to be filled at a pharmacy?
    If yes – You do not need to apply. This registration is not needed for providing prescriptions to be filled at a pharmacy.

    3 - Do you only provide drug samples to your patients from your practice location and/or is your dispensing limited to providing drug samples?
    If yes – You do not need to apply. This registration is not needed for providing drug samples directly to your patients.

    4 - Do you plan to dispense prescription medications directly to your patients from your medical office or practice location and NOT have the patient fill a prescription at a pharmacy?
    If no - You do not need to apply. This registration is intended only for medical practitioners who dispense from their practice locations.

    Instructions for how to apply
    Visit our online portal at EBIZ.MT.GOV/POL. Click “Start a New License Application.” Choose “New Health Care License.” Then select “Pharmacy.” Then select the “Medical Practitioner Dispenser Application” and complete your application.

    Statutes and Rules              
    Registrants must comply with dispensing authority requirements outlined in statute and rule:

    • Statute: 37-2-104(1)-(7), MCA, Dispensing Of Drugs By Medical Practitioners – Registration – Exceptions.
    • Rules: ARM 24.174.1801, 1802, and 1803, Medical Practitioner Dispensing, issued by the Montana Board of Pharmacy regarding qualifications, dispenser requirements, and recordkeeping requirements.

    For more information, please see this FAQ.

  • The Board of Pharmacy finalized rule changes pursuant to MAR 24-174-74, amending various pharmacy rule, effective November 20, 2021.  A summary of the amended rules reflects the changes published in the following Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM):  

  • The Board of Pharmacy adopted amendments to several rules to remove the 1:4 pharmacist to pharmacy technician ratio; provide for certain pharmacist-in-charge authority for staffing; allow for health care licensees authorized to administer vaccines in their own scope of practice to assist pharmacists with vaccine administration; and outline requirements to update Technician Utilization Plan (TUP).

    See the following amended rules, effective 3/26/22:

    • ARM 24.174.701, Pharmacy Technician Registration Requirements
      • Provides for Montana health care licensees authorized to administer vaccines under their own scope of practice to assist a pharmacist(s) in administering vaccines, in compliance with state and federal requirements, under supervision of a pharmacist.
      • A health care licensee does not need a separate pharmacy technician license issued by the Board and their own license must be displayed at the pharmacy.
      • A TUP must reflect the use of health care licensees to assist pharmacists in administration of vaccines.
    • ARM 24.174.711, Ratio of Pharmacy Technicians and Interns to Supervising Pharmacists
      • The previous 1:4 pharmacist to pharmacy technician ratio has been removed and a staffing ratio is to be determined by the pharmacist-in-charge; interns do not count against the ratio.
      • The amendments provide for the pharmacist-in-charge to ensure that the number of pharmacy technicians on duty can be satisfactorily supervised by the pharmacist(s) on duty to ensure patient safety and a safe work environment, provided that certain provisions are met as outlined in the rule, including updates and review of a TUP.
    • ARM 24.174.712, Application for Approval of Utilization Plan
      • Updated TUPs should be submitted to the Board and will be added to the pharmacy’s license record; submit via email to
      • TUPs should also be available for inspection.
  • Effective July 1, 2019, any Wholesale Drug Distributor who distributes the initial sale of opioids in Montana is required to have a separate OPIOID SELLER’S LICENSE through the Montana Department of Revenue, pursuant to House Bill 654 (2019), as outlined in 15-64-1001 through 1002, MCA.

    For information on the Opioid Seller’s License requirements and how to apply, click here.  

    • Access Mountain Pacific's DUR Program Newsletter and sign up to receive the newsletter electronically at:
    • The DUR Program Newsletter provides information and updates on:  Montana Medicaid Drug Prior Authorization; Preferred Drug List (PDL); Montana Medicaid Drug Utilization Review; and other activities. 

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